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Aunt Bertelle
Message from Heaven...Happy Birthday Mom!!! I love you, Scott I am with you all the way everyday! xoxoxo
Maddy Williams
Scott you are greatly missed and i know that christmas and thanksgiving will never be the same i know you are watching us all
Aunt Bertelle
Scott's your final resting place, Cambridge ME on Oct 30, 2009. You will be with your Dad. Peace.
Ashley Libby
Scott,you were my uncle but after grampa died we drifted apart entirely.I never forgot you and the summers we shared.xoxo
Aunt Donna
Oh Scott - man's law is flawed. Your murderer still has to face God, he will literally burn in hell unless he truly repents.
Jasmin Nicholson
It feels like we lost you all over again.I love you and miss you so much.I just pray to God that you are in peace.I love you xoxo
Jenn Raymond
My heart is broken all over again...knowing you have no justice...God help us all through this. Love you...
Rob Mattera
Scott you are in my thoughts and prayers every day. I hope you know how much I miss and love you. May justice be served buddy.
stephanie clemens
Scott i am sitting in the court room for your trial it is still painful and sad!! I just hope justice is served. i love you xoxo
Aunt Bertelle
Scott we are with you all the way. We hear your screams and your prayers. Godspeed in this trial today, day 4. Love you dearly.
Jenn Raymond
May God find the truth in all the lies that have been told and find you justice so that you can rest in peace my dear friend. XOXO
I love you Scott and I only pray that you see Justice. May the truth come out so you can rest in peace my friend.
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