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Jo Ann Finchum Happy New Year! January 1, 2014
Aunt Jo (Leah) Happy New Year ((HUGS)) From Angel Leah Avril December 31, 2012
Family of Leah Avril Missing our Angels.....Always in our Heart! December 24, 2012
Aunt Jo to Leah Happy Valentine's Day~ From Leah Avril February 14, 2012
Aunt Jo to Leah ~Happy New Year~ From the Family of Leah Avril~ December 29, 2011
Aunt Jo to Leah Merry Christmas December 25, 2011
Aunt Jo to Leah Avril ~Thinking of You~ July 4, 2011

Judy Ricker great-granddaughter of Alton Libby May 27, 2011
I visited the cemetery in Cambridge Me yesterday to put flowers on my Great-Grandfather Alton Libby.  While there I noticed the name of Scott A. Libby.   So sorry for your loss. 
Elizabeth Mae (Libby) Brown was the daughter of Alton Libby and Grace (Babb) Libby. She was my grandmother and also a half sister I believe to Harlow James Libby!   My e-mail is if anyone would like to correspond.    Judy (Braley) Ricker    My mother was Marilee Patricia (Brown) Braley and we lived in Harmony, Maine.  I married Roger H. Ricker and live in Wellington, Maine now which is only a few miles from the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Cambridge.  I try to visit the cemetery lot of Great-Grandfather Alton every year
Aunt Jo to leah Avril Remembering You on your Angelversary February 23, 2011
     So Sorry I missed your Angel Date.....Always in our Heart

Aunt Jo to Leah Avril Thinking of You~Scott~Rest in Peace February 10, 2011

Total Condolences: 34
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